Top 10 Cheapest  Cities For Expats In The World

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Cheapest & Most Expensive Cities 

Mercer’s 2024 Cost of Living Data is out and they have revealed lists of the most expensive and cheapest cities for international workers. 

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Mercer’s Cost Of Living Data 2024

Mercer, a US-based consulting firm, released the list after analysing certain factors that impact the cost of living in major cities around the world. 

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Factors That Influence The List 

These factors include - inflation  and exchange-rate fluctuations, heightened economic and geopolitical volatility, housing markets, transportation costs, and costs of goods and services in the study. 

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The Cheapest City For Expats 

After analysing 226 cities, the  data showed that Abuja in Nigeria is  the cheapest city for international workers in 2024. 

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Top 10 Cheapest Cities

1. Abuja, Nigeria 2. Lagos, Nigeria 3. Islamabad, Pakistan 4. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 5. Karachi, Pakistan 6. Blantyre, Malawi 7. Dushanbe, Tajikistan 8. Durban, South Africa 9. Windhoek, Namibia 10. Havana, Cuba

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What Affects This List? 

According to Mercer’s report, the cost of living in these cities is cheaper due to their currency depreciation. 

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Most Expensive City In The World

On the other hand, the most expensive city to live in for international workers is Hong Kong. 

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Top 10 Most Expensive Cities 

1. Hong Kong 2. Singapore 3. Zurich, Switzerland 4. Geneva, Switzerland 5. Basel, Switzerland 6. Bern, Switzerland 7. New York, USA 8. London, United Kingdom 9. Nassau, The Bahamas 10. Los Angeles, USA

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