Top 4 Indian Cities To Visit In 2023 For The Best Street Food 

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India is renowned for its diverse and delicious street food offerings that vary from region to region.

About India's Street Food

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The Godrej Foods Trends Report 2023  mentions some of the Indian street food destinations that will see most interest this year

Food Reports On Street Food

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Here are the must-visit cities in 2023 for street food:

Which Places To Visit For  Street Food?

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The city is anticipated to draw an increasing number of visitors who will savour the delights of regional street cuisine. According to 63% of experts, it is the best place to find street food.

1. Lucknow

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Following closely after, the report says 57% believe that Kolkata's image as a centre for gastronomic exploration will be further cemented by an increase in demand for regional street cuisine.

2. Kolkata

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Amritsar would see an 55% increase in interest from tourists looking to explore the world of regional street food.

3. Amritsar

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 47% of experts say Indore is turning into a hub for discovering the hidden gems of local cuisine, indicating a new trend in the city's culinary landscape.

4. Indore

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Indian street food is readily available, reasonably priced, and delectable all at once.  As a result, it offers visitors a chance to understand why people eat the foods they do and highlights the linkages between history, geography, religion, and food.

Why Indian Street Food Is Famous

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Which of these regions have you travelled to?

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