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The stimulating properties and rich, complex flavours of coffee have captivated consumers, making it one of the most widely consumed beverages on the planet.
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Some varities of coffee are Espresso, cappuccino, macchiato, mocha, americano, flat white, cortado, cold brew, pour over, French press, AeroPress, Turkish coffee, Irish coffee and Vietnamese coffee.
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A frothy Greek classic, perfect for a hot day.
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A creamy blend of coffee, milk, and vanilla.
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A sweet and icy coffee drink, often blended.
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Strong, cold coffee with a smooth flavour.
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Espresso with sweetened condensed milk, a Spanish delight.
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Majority English-speaking countries seem to have a preference for more flavored iced coffee options, such as the iced vanilla latte.
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Which of these varieties of coffee is your favourite?
Credits: Unsplash