Trying Gin For The First Time? Here’s Are 7 Tips For You

You might think tasting gin means drinking it! Right, but a little different. 

Tasting gin

Open the bo+6ttle and smell it. How is it? peppery, citrusy or flowery?

1. The sense of smell

Take a small amount of neat gin and let it run over your toungue to understand its botanicals. 

2. Run it over your tongue

Add ice to this and let the flavour molecules open up. Now  taste and you will find a difference!

3. Add ice

After knowing its taste in neat and with ice, decide if you want a cocktail or want to add tonic. 

4. Add tonic

Always keep your gin at room temperature before tasting to help you get the right taste. 

5. Room temperature

While smelling gin make sure you choose the right glass like a snifter to help you with your sense of smell. 

6. Choice of glass

Give your gin a nice swirl, to get the best taste. 

7. Swirl the glass

Which is your favourite drink?