8 Types Of Animal Poop Coffee In The World

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1. Kopi Luwak (Civet Coffee)

Known for its smooth, rich flavour, this coffee is made from beans that have passed through the digestive system of the Asian palm civet in Indonesia.

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2. Black Ivory Coffee

This Thai coffee, produced from beans eaten and excreted by elephants, has a smooth taste with hints of chocolate and spice.

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3. Jacü Bird Coffee

Made in Brazil, this coffee is produced from beans consumed and passed by the Jacü bird, offering a nutty, fruity flavour with a hint of sweetness.

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4. Bat Coffee

Originating in Costa Rica and Madagascar, bats chew the coffee cherries, resulting in beans that produce a complex and fruity coffee.

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5. Coati Coffee

In Brazil, coatis eat coffee cherries, and the beans from their droppings yield a smooth coffee with caramel-like sweetness.

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6. Bonobo Coffee

Beans passed by bonobos in the Democratic Republic of Congo create a coffee with unique earthy and fruity undertones.

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7. Civet Cat Coffee

Sourced from African civet cats in Ethiopia, this coffee is rich and full-bodied with chocolate and floral notes.

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8. Monkey Coffee

Produced in India and Taiwan, this coffee is made from beans chewed and spit out by monkeys, resulting in a smooth, sweet, and slightly fruity flavour.

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These exotic coffees offer unique and diverse flavour profiles.