Use Avocado Instead Of These 6 Items To See How Versatile It Is

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Avocados are very versatile.

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Here are six items that Avocados are a great substitute for.

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1. Butter Its creamy texture makes it a great substitute for nut butter or regular butter.

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2. Sour Cream You can mash an avocado and squeeze some lemon and voila!

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3. Mayonnaise Avocados are also a substitute for mayonnaise!

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4. Coconut You can substitute avocados for coconuts and get a creamy texture for your curry.

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5. Pumpkin If you have some picky eaters or people who are allergic to pumpkins, use avocado.

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6. Squash Squashes have a similar texture so avocados are a great substitute.

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What is your favourite way to eat an avocado?

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