8 Visa Terms Everyone Should Know About

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1. Visa

It is a legal permit allowing entry into a country for a specific purpose and duration.

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2. Validity

It is the period during which the visa is usable. It could range from single-entry (one-time use) to multiple entries over a specific time frame.

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3. Duration Of Stay

It is the permitted length of time one can stay in a country per entry. It might be specified in days, months, or years.

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4. Entry Type

It specifies the number of times one can enter a country within the visa's validity—single entry (once), double entry (twice), or multiple entries (unlimited).

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5. Extension

Some visas allow for an extension beyond the initial duration of the stay. This requires application and approval from the host country's immigration authorities.

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6. Conditions And Restrictions

There are specific regulations that must be adhered to, like restrictions on employment, study, or residency, depending on the type of visa.

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7. Overstay

It refers to remaining in a country beyond the authorised duration granted by the visa. Overstaying can result in fines, deportation, or being banned from future visits.

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8. Visa Waiver

Agreements between countries allow travellers to enter without a visa for a limited period, often for tourism or short visits.

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Understanding these terms helps travellers navigate the visa process.