8 Ways To Use Lemons When On A Diet

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1. Lemon Water Start your day by squeezing fresh lemon juice into a glass of water. This simple drink can boost hydration, aid digestion, and provide a refreshing citrus flavour.

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2. Salad Dressing Create a light and flavorful salad dressing by combining freshly squeezed lemon juice, a dash of olive oil, and herbs or spices of your choice.

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3. Lemon-Infused Tea Infuse herbal tea with lemon slices for a burst of flavour and a natural detoxifying boost.

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4. Lemon Zest Sprinkle lemon zest on salads, roasted vegetables, grilled fish, or stir it into sauces or dressings for an extra burst of flavour.

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5. Lemon-Marinated Protein The acidity of lemons can help tenderize the protein and add a zesty flavour without adding extra calories.

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6. Lemon Squeeze over Veggies Squeeze fresh lemon juice over steamed or roasted vegetables instead of using butter or heavy sauces.

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7. Lemon Yogurt Dip Mix fresh lemon juice and zest into plain Greek yoghurt to create a tangy and creamy dip for fresh fruits or vegetable sticks.

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8. Lemon-Flavoured Desserts Satisfy your sweet tooth with lemon-infused desserts that are lower in calories.

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Do you know of any other uses of lemon?

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