8 Ways To Use Onions Other Than Cooking

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1. Onions have natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use sliced onions on insect bites, bee stings, or minor burns to help reduce swelling.

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2. Cut an onion in half and place it in a bowl or on a plate in rooms with strong odours, like bathrooms or refrigerators. The onion will absorb unpleasant smells.

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3. Onions can be used to create a natural dye for fabrics and Easter eggs. Simmer onion skins in water, strain the liquid, and soak the fabric or eggs for a unique colour.

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4. Combine onion juice with water and a little vinegar to create a natural cleaning solution for countertops, glass, and other surfaces.

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5. Onion juice is believed to promote hair growth and treat scalp conditions. Apply freshly extracted onion juice to your scalp, leave it on for about 30 minutes, and then wash it off with shampoo.

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6. Rubbing a cut onion on your skin can help repel mosquitoes and other insects due to the pungent smell.

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7. Rubbing an onion slice on metal surfaces with rust can help break down the rust and make it easier to clean.

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8. Onions can be used in arts and crafts projects, like creating stamps or stencils with carved onion halves.

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Put those onions to use outside the kitchen as well!

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