8 Ways To Use Potatoes Outside The Kitchen

Credits: Unsplash

1. DIY Potato Stamps Carve various shapes on halved potatoes and use them as stamps to create unique and fun artwork.

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2. Natural Cleaning Scrub Mix potato peels with salt and use the mixture as a natural scrub to clean pots, pans, and other kitchenware.

Credits: Unsplash

3. Soothing Eye Compress Place chilled potato slices on your eyes to reduce puffiness and soothe tired eyes.

Credits: Unsplash

4. Remove Rust from Metal Rub a cut potato coated with baking soda on rusty metal surfaces to help remove the rust.

Credits: Unsplash

5. Create Potato Battery Turn a potato into a simple battery by inserting copper and zinc electrodes to power a small LED light or clock.

Credits: Unsplash

6. Make DIY Face Masks Mash potatoes with other natural ingredients like honey or yoghurt to create nourishing face masks.

Credits: Unsplash

7. Craft Potato Pet Prints Dip potato halves in pet-safe paint and press them on paper or fabric to create unique pet paw prints.

Credits: Unsplash

8. Healing Poultice Use grated potatoes as a poultice to soothe minor skin irritations, burns, or insect bites.

Credits: Unsplash

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Credits: Unsplash