Broccoli For Lungs To Green Tea For Skin, 9 Food Items That Are Best For Specific Body Parts!

Image Courtesy: Canva

Image Courtesy: Canva

1. Lungs

Broccoli and brussel sprouts are best for lungs.

Image Courtesy: Canva

2. Muscles

Bananas, eggs, fish and red meat are best for building muscles.

Image Courtesy: Canva

3. Heart

For a healthy heart, tomatoes and potatoes are a must!

Credits: Canva

4. Bowels

Yogurt and prunes are the best to maintain a healthy bowel.

Image Courtesy: Canva

5. Eyes

Carrots, corn and eggs are useful for a clear vision.

Image Courtesy: Canva

6. Brain

Salmon, sardine, tuna and walnuts make your brain sharp.

Image Courtesy: Canva

7. Hair

If you want long and thick hair, add beans, salmon and green vegetables to your diet.

Image Courtesy: Canva

8. Bones

Orange, celery and milk are said to maintain bone density and health.

Image Courtesy: Canva

9. Skin

Blueberries and green tea clears your skin.

Be sure to include these food items to your diet!

Image Courtesy: Canva