What Is Black Rice? Here's What Sets It Apart From Basic White Rice!

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Black rice, also known as "forbidden rice," is a type of rice that is gaining popularity due to its unique appearance, nutritional value, and potential health benefits.

Forbidden Rice

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In ancient China, it was considered so rare and nutritious that it was reserved exclusively for the emperor and the royal family.

Royal History

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Black rice stands apart from white rice in several notable ways:

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Black rice is considerably more nutrient-dense than white rice. Its dark colour is an indicator of its high antioxidant content, including anthocyanins.

1. Nutrient Density

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Unlike white rice, which is stripped of its outer bran layer during processing, black rice retains its bran, making it a rich source of dietary fibre.

2. Fibre Content

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Black rice has a lower glycemic index compared to white rice. This means that it causes a slower and more gradual increase in blood sugar levels after consumption.

3. Low Glycemic Index

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Black rice boasts a unique nutty flavour and a slightly chewy texture that sets it apart from the more common white rice.

4. Distinct Flavour and Texture

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The deep purple or black colour of cooked black rice makes it visually striking and adds an intriguing element to dishes.

5. Visual Appeal

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These factors collectively contribute to black rice's status as a healthier and more distinctive alternative to basic white rice.