What Is Burrata? How Is This Cheese Different From Mozzarella

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1. Burrata is a luxurious Italian cheese known for its creamy texture and indulgent flavour.

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2. It is made from cow's milk and resembles mozzarella on the outside, with a soft and stretchy texture.

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3. What sets burrata apart is its rich, luscious filling of cream and cheese curds, creating a delightful contrast of textures.

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4. This delectable cheese is a popular choice in salads, pasta dishes, and as a standalone appetiser, offering a truly exquisite culinary experience.

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Here’s how it is different from mozzarella:

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1. Burrata differs from mozzarella in its unique filling of cream and cheese curds, while mozzarella is a solid cheese.

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2. Mozzarella has a smooth and uniform texture, whereas burrata has a creamy and soft centre enclosed in a stretchy mozzarella shell.

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3. The rich and indulgent taste of burrata sets it apart, offering a more decadent flavour profile compared to the milder taste of mozzarella.

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We all love mozzarella and now it is time to give burrata a shot!

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