What's Yellow Tea? Ingredients, Benefits  & Everything You  Need To Know

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What Is Yellow Tea?

Yellow tea is a sweet, vibrant tea that is known for being expensive and rare. It is a perfectly balanced innovative and traditional tea that gets its name due to its colour. 

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What Are Its Ingredients?

It is made from the Camellia Sinensis tea plant that is cultivated in different provinces in China. The yellow colour of the tea is attained by a lengthy brewing process. 

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What Does Yellow Tea Taste Like?

It has a slightly fruity taste and smooth texture with a pleasing, floral aroma. 

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What Are Its Key Benefits?

Besides its flavourful profile, yellow tea is also rich in benefits. Here are some key benefits of yellow tea that you should know about.

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1. Anti-Cancer Properties

As per a research in 2018, yellow tea has high polyphenols, amino acids, soluble sugars, and caffeine. These can help protect your body against cancer.  

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2. Aid In Weight Loss

Similar to green tea, some studies suggest that yellow tea can help in weight loss. 

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3. Packed With Antioxidants

This tea is rich in flavonoids and catechin and can help fight oxidative stress and some chronic diseases. 

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4. Boost Heart Health

This tea is rich in polyphenols. It can thus help protect your body against cardiovascular diseases. 

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