Why Have Some Goan Towns Banned Gobi Manchurian? Find Out

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One of the most shocking news in the world of food and cuisines came from the scenic state of Goa. Some Goan towns recently banned the famous Gobi Manchurian dish.

Imposed A Ban

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The Mapusa Municipal Council banned this dish from the feasts and all stalls, according to a report by The Times of India.

What Really Happened?

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One of the biggest reasons behind making this decision is the usage of synthetic colours. 

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But Why!

Also, preparing this food item in unhygienic places is a major reason to worry as well.

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Another Reason

Surprisingly, this was not the first time when a town in Goa banned Gobi Manchurian. The Food and Drugs Administration asked the Mormugao Municipal Council to restrict the number of vendors and stalls selling the dish at the Vasco Saptah fair at the Shree Damodar temple in 2022. 

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Was Banned Before Too

Well, what do you think of this decision? Do you think this was the right move?

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