Credits: Canva
Hawaii’s short rain showers and clean air create some of the world’s best conditions for viewing rainbows.
Credits: Canva
A professor at the University of Hawaii calls the state the ‘rainbow capital of the world’.
Credits: Canva
According to the Hindustan Times, with the winter rainy season in the islands, the odds of seeing a rainbow are even higher than usual.
Credits: Canva
There are about 20 Hawaiian names for rainbows and the locals, it symbolises hope.
Credits: Canva
Rainbow occurrences are so common in Hawaii that you can find pictures of them on buildings, public buses, and license plates.
Credits: Canva
Even the University of Hawaii sports teams are named after them.
Credits: Canva
You can look for rainbows when it's both sunny and rainy at the same time.
Credits: Canva
Rainbows represent divine or supernatural power in Native Hawaiian tradition.
Credits: Canva