Why Is Sendha Namak, Or Rock Salt, Used In Vrat Dishes?

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What Is Sendha Namak?

Sendha namak is none other than rock salt. In fact, it is the unprocessed and pure form of salt.

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Relation With Fasts

During fasting, it is necessary to eat food items that are easy to digest and help detoxify your body. Sendha namak not only adds flavour but helps keep the food healthy.

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Boosts Energy

Rock salt is low on sodium, helps boost energy and keeps the body cool from within.

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Helps With Throat Problems

Sendha namak is said to help with sore throat and tonsils.

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Helps With High BP

Rock salt is recommended for people with high blood pressure.

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Aids Digestion

Rock salt improves digestion by inducing absorption of nutrients.

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Other Benefits

Rock salt has other benefits like being an exfoliator, helping with hypertension and so on.

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Switching Normal Salt

In keeping with the health benefits, people have started using sendha namak instead of normal salt.

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Image Courtesy: Canva