Why Is Varanasi Known As City Of Lights?

Incredible India

Varanasi, also known as Banaras, Benares, or Kashi, is a city in northern India on the Ganges river.

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India's culture

In the Hindu culture, it plays a significant role in the customs around grieving, death, and pilgrimage.

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Oldest city

One of the oldest continuously inhabited cities is Varanasi.

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According to conventional etymology, "Varanasi" derives from the names of the two Ganges tributaries that constitute the city's boundaries.

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Situated beautifully on the north coast. 

The old city is bordered by Varuna and Assi and is situated on the Ganges' north coast.

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A renowned city

Varanasi is renowned as the "City of Light" and the "luminous city as an eminent seat of learning"

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This is because the city is also known as Kashi, which is dervied from the the Sanskrit verbal root kas-, which means "to shine".

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Since Buddha times

Since the time of Buddha, pilgrims have also used this name. 

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