World Health Day: Do These Things Daily For A Good Health

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You don't have to wake up at an impossible hour but waking up quite early in the morning is great practice.

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Be it cycling, hitting the gym, running, walking, or doing yoga make sure to do some physical activities.

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If you have a busy schedule, try to squeeze in some time to indulge in some movements. It can be as simple as walking for 5-10 minutes after every 1 hour.

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It is a must to consume a healthy diet rich in various nutrients regularly.

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Move your electrical devices far far away as much as possible and reduce your screen time.

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Stay hydrated!!! Drink lots of water, especially to stay fit in the summer season.

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Cut out your screen time before going to bed. Instead, opt for a book. 

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Ditch food from outside and try to eat home-cooked meals as much as possible. 

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