World Nutella Day: Prepare 3 Decadent Desserts With Nutella To Treat Your Sweet Cravings

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Enjoy this special day baking delicious desserts loaded with the richness of Nutella.

It's Baking Time

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• Make a fluffy mixture of butter and sugar and then add eggs, flour, baking powder, cocoa powder, and some milk.

Nutella Cupcakes

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• Pour the batter into moulds and bake for at least 15 minutes. 

How To Bake?

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• Once baked well, let the desserts cool down and then garnish with Nutella or chocolate frosting.

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How To Bake?

• To make mousse most quickly, mix sugar granules with some heavy whipped cream. Use a mixer blender to whip the ingredients. 

Nutella Mousse

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• Next, add some Nutella to the cream and mix everything well using a spatula. Fold the mousse gently and then serve in bowls. 

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How To Make?

• To make the cookie batter, mix sugar, eggs, Nutella, flour, a pinch of baking powder, and some choco chips. 

Nutella Cookies

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• Next, transfer the batter into cookie-shaped dough balls and bake for a few minutes. 

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How To Bake?

Are you ready to whip up some Nutella-rich goodness in your kitchen? 

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