World Wetlands Day: Why Are Wetlands Important & Where In India Can You Find Them?

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Feb 2 is widely celebrated as World Wetlands Day as a reminder of their importance.

World Wetlands Day

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Wetlands are land covered with water, either salty or fresh. They are an ecosystem unto themselves and support 1000s of species.

What Are Wetlands?

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A Ramsar Site is a wetland of international importance and there are 80 Ramsar sites in India. 5 of the following sites were only recently added.

What Are Ramsar Sites?

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One of the virgin rivers of the world, it is a beautiful place with lots of greenery.

1. Aghanashini Estuary, Karnataka

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A haven for bird watchers, it houses some of the most distinctive bird species ever.

2. Ankasamudra Bird Conservation, Karnataka

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Recently added to the Ramsar sites, it is a breathtaking landscape.

3. Karaivetti Bird Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu

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Another breathtakingly green region, it is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts.

4. Longwood Shola Reserve, Tamil Nadu

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This reserve is sure to blow your mind with its diverse flora and fauna.

5. Magadi Kere Conservation Reserve, Karnataka

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Have you been to any of these wetlands?

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