World’s Top 10 Most Instagrammed Cultural World Heritage Sites

1. Taj Mahal, India

With 2,391, 689 hashtags, India's Taj Mahal has topped the list! It is one of the seven wonders of the world. 

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2. Palace of Versailles, France

The Palace of Versailles, a former seat of government and royal palace for France, is today a famous monument.

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3. Statue of Liberty, USA

The personification of liberty in the shape of a woman is represented by the 93-meter-tall statue.

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4. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is located at a height of more than 7,000 feet in Peru.

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5. Petra, Jordan

The Nabataeans constructed the magnificent sandstone city of Petra in the third century BC.

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6. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The greatest sacred building in the world and the pinnacle of Khmer architecture is Angkor Wat.

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7. Acropolis, Greece

The most impressive and comprehensive ancient Greek colossal complex remaining in existence is the Acropolis in Athens. 

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8. Chichen Itza, Mexico

A wide variety of historic Mayan wonders and a vibrant cultural heritage can be found in Chichen Itza. 

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9. Sydney Opera House, Australia

Australia's Sydney is home to the Sydney Opera House, a multi-venue performing arts complex.

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10. Stonehenge, United Kingdom

The only remaining lintelled stone circle in the world, Stonehenge is the most intricately designed structure in existence.

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