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4 Places In India That Don't Get Southwest Monsoon, But Get Northeast Monsoon

Credits: Canva

What Is North-East Monsoon?

The monsoon that enters India from the northeast is North-East monsoon. It's mainly limted to South India. 

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When Does It Occur?

Known as winter monsoon, this monsoon occurs between October to November. Here's where it happens. 

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1. Tamil Nadu

Around 48 per centt of the state's annual rainfall is credited to North-East monsoons. 

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2. Puducherry

The French colony of India welcomes monsoon season in the winter, especially in Karaikal. 

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3. Andhra Pradesh

Yanam in Andhra Pradesh witnessed monsoons in the winter. 

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4. Karnataka

The south-interiors of Karnataka welcome North-East showers. 

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Have you experienced this winter rainfall?