6 Ways To Prolong The Shelf Life Of Seafood In Your Fridge

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Prolonging The Shelf Life

Prolonging the shelf life of seafood in your fridge requires proper handling, storage, and some additional precautions.

Methods To Follow?

Here are some effective methods:

1. Ice Storage

Store seafood on ice within the fridge. Ice helps maintain a lower temperature around the seafood.

2. Optimal Packaging

Store seafood in airtight containers to prevent exposure to air and moisture, which can accelerate spoilage.

3. Use of Freezing Techniques

Clean and gut the seafood before freezing. For fish, remove the head, scales, and internal organs. Freeze seafood in portions that are easy to thaw and use

4. Proper Thawing Methods

If you need to thaw seafood quickly, place it in a sealed plastic bag and submerge it in cold water

5. Use of Preservatives

A light coating of lemon juice can help preserve seafood 

6. Cleanliness

Keep the fridge clean to avoid cross-contamination and ensure good air circulation around the stored seafood.

By following these tips, you can significantly extend the shelf life of seafood