6 Tips To Bake Delicious Birthday Cakes For Diabetics

Credits: Canva 

1.  Replace unhealthy sources of fat like butter with healthier ones like olive oil or avocado oil. 

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2. Incorporate natural sweeteners like mashed bananas or unsweetened apple sauce. 

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3. Whole wheat flour in place of all purpose flour will make the cake healthier for diabetics. 

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4. Use dark chocolate or unsweetened cocoa powder to pack the cake with antioxidants. 

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5. Add veggies like shredded carrots, zucchini and even cauliflower to give make the cake extra moist. 

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6. Bake smaller cakes or cut them into smaller portions to avoid overeating. 

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So, these are some of the tips you can use to bake a delicious birthday cake for diabetics. 

Credits: Canva