The holy month of Ramadan is important to our Muslim Friends. They not only fast all day long despite the heat and difficult situations, but they also read prayers, donate and do good deeds throughout the month. And while fasting is difficult, they do it with a smile on their face. Hence, to ensure that they fast without any difficulties, here are four things you must not do in front of your Muslim friends during Ramadan.
1. No Food & Drinks Even During Online Meetings
If you are having a zoom meeting with your Muslim colleagues, ensure that you don’t eat or drink in front of them. Yes, it’s lunchtime, and you are hungry or have skipped your breakfast, so you want to have a snack while discussing strategies, but avoid doing so. You should refrain from eating and drinking in person or during the online meeting because your colleague is fasting, and it’s not right to eat in front of someone who fasts.

2. Don’t Talk Extra
With Dubai summers around the corner, the heatwaves have already begun, and amid all this, our Muslim friends fast daily religiously. And the least we can do is ensure that we don’t cause them any discomfort. So while you love talking a lot, don’t do it during Ramadan. Limit your conversations with your Muslim friends/colleagues so that they don’t over-exert themselves by talking. Remember, you can have water; if you feel parched they can’t. So, limit your idle chatter and keep things to the point.
3. Avoid Keeping Late-Afternoon Meetings
The last few days of Ramadan are considered to be the most spiritual days. And to make the most of these remaining days, many Muslims participate in extra prayers. Hence, it’s better to avoid early morning meetings and late-afternoon meetings so that they can read their prayers and reach home on time for Iftar. Be considerate and ensure that you co-operate fully.
4. Don’t Say No To Iftar Invites
When your colleague/friend invites you for an Iftar, don’t say NO. It’s not an early dinner or a casual meal; they are inviting you to a meal that is very important to them. So make sure that you do participate and experience how culturally rich Ramadan is. You can eat less if you want, but declining the offer is rude.
First Published: April 21, 2022 11:18 AM