5 Adventure Sports You Must Try In New Zealand

by Angel Srivastava
5 Adventure Sports You Must Try In New Zealand

If you are an adventure junkie, then New Zealand is the perfect holiday destination for you this summer. When it comes to adventure sports, New Zealand has a lot to offer and is the perfect destination for outdoor persuites.

On my recent trip to New Zealand I tried a few of these activities and realised that there is nothing that gets the blood pumping like participating in a thrilling adventure sport. New Zealand proved to be a paradise for thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies.

For all of you ready to embrace this rush of excitement, here is a list of 5 Adventure sports that I tried and you must too.

1. The Canyon Swing

The Canyon Swing is probably the biggest and highest swing in the town. If high altitudes make you go weak in the knees, then this one surely isn’t for you. You can choose from various jump styles like The Cutway Jump, The Pin Drop Jump, The Chair Jump, The Slide Jump and more. At first the 200 mt. swing with a 60 m vertical free fall did make me go weak in the knees. But once I tried it, the experience of rejuvenating and exhilarating.

2. Sky Diving

Embrace the excitement and soak in the views of Queenstown as you experience the best of skydiving at Nzone Skydive Queenstown. Jump out of the aircraft from 15000 ft and free fall for 60 seconds at 200 km/hr. This is the perfect sport to test your nerves. Once you have jumped, you won’t have time to be scared because there is just too much landscape to take in. Total Zinadagi Na Milegi Dobara feels!

3. Bunjee Jumping

Remember how we used to go bunjee jumping on a trampoline as a kid? Well, my bunjee jumping experience in New Zealand was similar, except this time I had to jump of a bridge! The 43m high Kawarau Bridge in Queenstown is world’s first bridge bungy. You can try night bungy in the dark or opt for a dunk in the water below. Trust us a trip to New Zealand would be incomplete without atleast trying to bungy jump.

4. Hydro Attack

This happened to be by far the most unique ‘boating’ experience I have ever had. The Hydro Attack takes you on a ride in the shark boat that reaches a speed of 80kmph on water and 40kmph under water.Well, that’s not it. The pilot can point the shark towards the sky anytime and blast it into the air, catching you totally off gaurd!

5. Shotover Jet

Another quintessential New Zealand adventure activity is jet boating. The Shotover Jet has managed to thrill over 3 million people since 1965, and so was I. At 85 kmph the boat whipped past the rocky out crops, leaving me gasping for breath. The 25 minute boat ride was both mesemerising and thrilling as we skimmed past some of the most beautiful canyons, crags, and boulders.

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First Published: May 13, 2019 3:22 PM