Old is gold- isn’t it? Well, there are some delicious Dubai foods from the 90s we simply can’t get enough of. To bring the nostalgia alive we present to you some of the vintage snacks from the 90s that still remain timeless and undoubtedly delicious.
Sprinkle this beauty over some cream cheese on a Paratha and it’s the best snack known to mankind. This popular chips brand has not only grown popular over the years but has garnered whole new popularity with millennials proving for once and for all that some things are meant forever. Some brands like Bugles, Pofaki and others have also remained irreplaceable over the years. These melt in the mouth goodies was a staple in almost every household while growing up. Our eyes did gleam in joy every time a guest comes in with a pack of these buttery cookies – making this not only a fond memory but the popularity remains untethered in the years passed by. The love for this drink has passed generation to generation giving serious levels of competition to even the best of the soft drinks. A sip of this orangey goodness brings back a lot of memories of summers. The drink still remains one of the top choices when it comes to flavoured juices and the new flavours have also garnered a lot of popularity over the years. This, hands down, is one snack that makes you teary and happy every time you see it. A staple in almost all of the parties while growing up, these pizzas are irreplaceable and scrumptious to say this least. And not to mention, still under 2 BUCKS!1. Chips Oman
2. Danish Butter Cookies
3. Tang
4. Mini Pizzas from Caesar’s
Back in the 90’s Areej was the only summer drink. The drink came in various flavours and trust us this is one drink that cannot match any cold drink in the market today.5. Areej
A few other favorites from the 90s include Melody pops, RC cola, safari bars, Mr Krisps cheez balls, ice pops, pick one wafers and much more!
Tell us your favourite 90’s food in the comments below!
This article has been contributed to Curly Tales by Sweta Swaminathan. If you wish to contribute your travel story, please drop an email here