8 Unusual Yet Interesting Museums Of India

India has a lot of famous museums but today we are showing you a list of 8 museums that are absolutely wacky & you might not have heard of them as well. From toilet inspired museums to a place where you can actually hold a live size brain, to a museum which has cars in the shapes of a camera to food items & other things. These musems will blow your mind as they are so creative & well designed.

Bianca Saurastri: Bianca is a complete walking talking adventure bag, from jumping off a plane to diving into life underwater, from exploring counties snow filled mountains to taking a leap from the tallest bridge in the world, Bianca has done it all! Growing up in a Gujarati family, she doesn't believe in restricting herself to society's norms like "how can you do that"? She believes in making the most of everything life has to offer