Curly Tales

A-Z Guide To Impress Your Date This Valentine’s Day



Valentine’s Day is just days away and if you are nervous about how to impress your date, this one’s for you. First time or not, dates always leave butterflies in your stomach. Worry not. We have you covered. From picking the right location to dressing and speaking right- here some basics you need to brush up if you want to impress your date on your special day!

Pick her up

Its not always about what happens at the venue. Sometimes, you need to do some warm-up too. If you just ask her out for a date, chances are she might agree. But, if you say you’ll lend her a drive, you’ve won yourself a brownie point already. Plus, a short drive will let you both chat a little more, and of course ease out the tension. And last but not the least, she will also get to know that you will go out of the way to make her happy.

Location Matters

Its all in the ambiance, they say! Whether you are looking for an adventurous proposal or something that will sweep her off her feet, Dubai is loaded with a whole lot of spots where you get down on your knee, just like a celebrity.


So, go on and plan a luxurious dinner at the Burj Khalifa or a simple proposal under a moon-lit sky at the Al Qudra lake. You are sure to win your Valentine’s heart! Meanwhile, if you are looking for a pocket-friendly way to spend the day, this restaurant in Dubai is giving away free pancakes for Valentine’s Day.

Keep It Simple And Personal

This one’s completely up to you. There’s no hard and fast rule that you need gifts to compliment your date. However, if you do feel like gifting your love a little something, try and keep it personal. It will go a long way.


A box of chocolates, a hand-made card, a painted mug, or a bunch of flowers might do the trick. If you do know he/she has a favourite then be sure to add that to the goodie bag too.

Skip Social Media

Keep your phone aside. Once you’ve picked her up, you definitely don’t need your phone. Constantly fiddling with your phone or updating your socials might make you come across as insecure or uninterested. And that’s not the impression you want to leave behind. So, bid goodbye to your phone for a couple of hours. It’s good for you too!

Do A Reality Check

You definitely know its the perfect day and time to pop the big question, but you need to gear up for different reactions too. After all, different people function differently. In case he/she needs more time to think, be willing to give in. Forcing or getting upset is not going to set things right and might only make your chances fainter. Speak your heart out, but not so much that you forget to understand your partner in the process. Remember, the relationship is about two people.

Dress Appropriately

You are what you wear! Whether it is western, Into-Western or ethnic, make sure you wear only what you are comfortable in. This will make you feel more confident and will also save you from fashion faux pas.

Make Eye Contact

Every time you speak or are asking the big question, look into his/her eyes. Remember, there’s a lot that can be said and understood through eye language. Making eye contact with the person you love is not just a date thing, it’s a life thing. So, do it!

Be Chivalrous

This can go two ways. While a bunch of women do appreciate men who open car doors or offer to pay the bill, you might also come across a wonderfully independent woman, who might give you the looks. So be prepared for comebacks like-  ‘I have arms too’, or ‘lets go dutch’.

Speak Up

This is the day and the chance to know if he/she is the one. So, don’t let that pass by. Speak up all that you would like your date to know. Right now, there is no bond that exists between the two of you, so no one’s going to judge. Also, go on and ask her questions. After all you deserve to know someone fully well before committing. She might even appreciate your genuine interest and if her answers are honest, you might simply love listening.

Leave On A Good Note

You don’t want the evening to end on a bad note. So, whether you made it or not, ensure you leave on a good note. This one’s important for your own emotional well being. And if all goes well, plan your next outing, hang out for a little longer, get to know each other’s likes and dislikes- after all there’s a long journey ahead.

Good luck!