Bengaluru Man Posts About Uber Auto Showing 71 Mins Wait Time; Ride Cancelled After A Minute

Uber auto

Bengaluru is a city that keeps growing. However, it is notorious for its traffic jams. During peak hours, people all over the city struggle to book a cab. This means that people who want to travel from one place to another, cannot find a decent cab. They either fail to find a cab or an Uber auto at all or the cabs that they do find end up cancelling on them at the very last moment.

Man Shares A Screenshot Of Uber Auto With 71 Mins Waiting Time

This particular man, whose name Anushank Jain, took to Twitter and shared a screenshot that has gone viral. The screenshot was of the popular cab-hailing services app called Uber. The reason it went viral is because the waiting time it showed on the app was a whopping 71 minutes!

This means the person would have had to wait more than an hour just for one Uber auto to come all the way. He supplemented the screenshot by saying that if the auto driver does actually show up, he would win the person’s respect.

Netizens, too, were taken aback by the long waiting time. Some of the commenters even went so far as to call him lucky. This is because finding a cab during peak hours is next to impossible and the fact that he found one, despite the unusually long waiting period, is something to be grateful for.

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Ride Cancelled After A Minute!

Unfortunately, it seems like calling him lucky was jumping the gun since just a little while later, Anushank Jain commented an update on the thread. Unsurprisingly, he said that the auto driver cancelled a mere minute later.

Given the long waiting time, it doesn’t actually seem surprising that the driver cancelled. If you’ve used such cab-hailing service apps, you know that many drivers cancel even after being a minute away from the pick-up location.

It seems that the man’s predicament struck a chord with many people on the Internet. The thread was swarming with people who gave their own two cents as to what must have happened.

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Have you ever experienced such cancellations? What was your worst experience yet? Let us know in the comments below!

Cover Image Credits: Canva Images & @madmax_anushank

Tooba Shaikh: Runs on chai. Excels at cracking lame puns. Likes to think she is funny but people around her disagree. Loves wasting time and hates writing about herself.