Travel Company Ecosphere Promotes Sustainable Tourism In Spiti

Ecosphere has given a new sphere to Spiti Valley.

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Ecosphere Spiti is a company that promotes sustainable tourism by supporting the local economy, residents and culture of the Spiti Valley.

What Is It?

Ecosphere Spiti was founded by a single woman who believes that conservation is successful only when linked to local livelihoods. It encourages eco-tourism by making locals aware of their rich but fragile natural and cultural heritage. These Spiti locals then turn to sustainable, environment-friendly tourism that contributes to the local economy. This ensures that tourists like you and I have a minimal impact on the delicate balance in the Spiti Valley.

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Ecosphere also promotes local handicrafts such as thangka paintings on silk canvases and local experts like the Bhuchen artistes, who convey ecological messages through theatre. Every Ecosphere Spiti tour has a conservation charge; this money is pumped back into the valley to build solar and wind energy alternatives.

Where Is It?

Himachal’s Spiti Valley is in the heart of the Himalayas, with Tibet to the east and Ladakh to the North. Spiti is a cold desert connected by few roads that has evolved a distinct culture of its own, uninfluenced by a globalised world.

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What’s In It?

Ecosphere has tours designed for every kind of tourist. If you are an adrenaline junkie, cycle responsibly through hidden Himalayan backroads. Choose from a variety of peaks to trek. Go for the Monk for a Month itinerary if you’re looking for peace and tranquillity. If you are patient, you can also spend tracking the Himalayan wolf and elusive snow leopard. They even have carbon-positive trips in which you spend days helping build a greenhouse for locals to grow vegetables in winter.

Each tour is conducted by people from the area who know it intimately and deeply. As Ecosphere claims, a trip is ‘not only about what we experience, but how we choose to experience it and who we choose to experience it with’.

What Else:

Every trip incorporates homestays, so you’ll soak in plenty of the local culture. And you can opt to spend part of a trip on the back of a yak!

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Ecosphere Spiti has fixed departure trips, tours on request and customisable plans. Visit their website for details.

An untouched valley and a group of responsible people who want to make sure it stays that way; Is there a better way to travel?

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Mrigank Warrier: He likes long walks, getting lost, sleeper class and budget travel.