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Whether you’re an amateur ‘boulder’ or a pro looking for an exciting adventure, Hampi’s Bouldering will never fail to amuse you.
Hampi has endless trails of giant boulder hills making it the ideal place to try out ‘Bouldering’, it’s a form of rock climbing that is performed without the use of ropes or harnesses. Boulderers from all over come here and camp around for days and days of bouldering sessions. You could either carry your own equipment or rent them in Hampi itself.What Is It?
Don’t worry, it isn’t dangerous! Just imagine yourself in a giant board maze, but with boulders. Hampi has large boulders split vertically which gives it a maze-like appearance.
Also read: 5 Reasons To Visit Hampi
In the 16th century, artisans used granite to build monuments and temples ended up splitting the boulders. The face of the boulders appears so flat, like they have been split using a sharp knife. Along with that, with water pouring through the years, these boulders have absorbed the water and expanded as well. How Did The Boulders Come To Existence?
To give a thrill, plenty of tourists indulge in Bouldering at Hampi. Avoid the monsoons owing to the slippery rocks, but early winter is the perfect season for this activity.
Things To Keep In Mind
If you’re a first timer, make sure you’re doing it under proper guidance. Proper footwear is a must and carry accessories like water, caps, food (if needed), protective gear, and bug repellent. Spotting reptiles or monkeys while you’re Bouldering isn’t uncommon, but they’re usually harmless.
Also read: The Best Time to Visit Hampi is NOW!
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