Curly Tales

Indian Woman Faces Charges For Trying To Travel Oman Without POE Clearance; Here’s All About It

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Recently, an incident at Mumbai International Airport shed light on the significance of POE Clearance when a woman’s attempt to travel to Oman without the necessary clearance resulted in legal consequences. This 30-year-old woman, identified as Laxmi Durga Balam, hailing from Andhra Pradesh, found herself in a challenging situation.

What Is POE?

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POE Clearance, an abbreviation for Protector of Emigrants Clearance, is a legal authorization required for emigration, governed by the provisions of Section 22 (1) of the Emigration Act of 1983. This clearance is a crucial document for individuals planning to work abroad, ensuring they meet legal requirements for overseas employment.

Laxmi arrived at Mumbai International Airport with the intention of boarding a flight to Kuwait. However, her passport raised a red flag during the immigration check as it displayed an Emigration Check Required (ECR) status. The immigration officer, noting discrepancies with her employment visa, decided to launch an investigation.

During questioning, Laxmi struggled to provide satisfactory answers, deepening the officer’s suspicions. Consequently, she was handed over to the responsible authority for further inquiry.

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Here’s What They Found After Investigating The Woman

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The subsequent investigation revealed that Laxmi, who was illiterate, aspired to seek employment in Gulf countries. An agent named Aruna, operating in Kuwait, had contacted her, offering a job as a maid. Laxmi then procured an employment visa through an Indian agent named Vekana, who operated in Andhra Pradesh.

Vekana’s plan involved Laxmi initially travelling to Oman on a tourist visa and subsequently proceeding to Kuwait on an employment visa. However, due to the nature of her intended employment as a housemaid, compliance with the rules mandated Protector of Emigrants (POE) clearance.

In light of the situation, the immigration officer filed a case against Laxmi under Section 420, which pertains to cheating and dishonesty. This legal action, initiated at Sahar police station on September 30, serves as a stark reminder of the importance of adhering to legal procedures when seeking employment opportunities abroad.

The case of Laxmi Durga Balam underscores the critical importance of obtaining proper clearance before embarking on journeys for employment abroad. Adherence to these legal requirements fosters a more transparent and secure process for overseas employment.

Cover Image Courtesy: Canva Stock Images

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