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For the first time in 15 months, 10.6 crore Indian travellers have visited foreign destinations.. that’s 43% more than domestic travellers!
What Is It?
Over the past year, foreign travels in India has bumped up a 12.8% versus domestic travels at 11% only. As per the reports by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DCGA), the growth rate of passengers for domestic travel is at its all time low since 2014. It was also observed that the difference between the growth rates for International and Domestic travel has been the greatest since 2014.
Only in the year 2017, Indians taking International trips jumped up by 60% versus Indians taking domestic trips only got an increase rate of 37%. If we were to talk about actual numbers, International flights from India carried 10.6 crore passengers and the estimate is that by 2025, India’s passengers travelling abroad will become the third largest flying market in the world!