King Prefers To Seek Wisdom From These People In The Music Industry


On this brilliant episode of Tere Gully Mein, we roamed the streets of Mumbai with the one and only King! We had a grand time cruising the roads of Mumbai while talking about everything from passion to food. He was an absolute delight to know as a person, and seeing this different side of him was really a treat. We had surprisingly insightful conversations with him and found out who he thinks is the wiseman of the music industry.

King Prefers To Seek Wisdom From These People In The Music Industry

While driving around town, King talked about how he likes having conversations that have a certain level of depth and wisdom to them. He also expressed his keenness fr lapping up wisdom from wherever he ends up getting it.

This prompted the question, “Who does King deem to be the wisest in the industry?” His answer was quick and simple – the Hindi version of his stage name – Badshah. Yes, much to our surprise, Bad Boy Shah is a major source of inspiration as well as wisdom for King.

He went on to talk about how, when he first met him, King underestimated how hard Badshah worked for whatever success he had. He also realised how hungry and motivated for success Badshah is. This significantly inspired King.

Also Read: King Either Works All Day Or Does Nothing At All

He Has Never Changed Himself For Fame

Image Credits: Internal

While speaking about fame and the transformative power it can have, King mentioned that he never changes who he truly is in order to get more fame or success. Kamiya wanted to know more about this philosophy of his and elaborated.

He said that if he pretends to be someone he isn’t in order to get more fame, he’ll only end up attracting people who have similarly abandoned their authentic selves for the pursuit of success. This is precisely what he doesn’t want,

He would like to attract people who are like-minded and authentic, just like him. This simple yet deep philosophy is really something.

Also Read: Before Music, THIS Is What King Was Interested In

Do you love King’s music? Let us know in the comments section below!

Cover Image Credits: Internal

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Tooba Shaikh: Runs on chai. Excels at cracking lame puns. Likes to think she is funny but people around her disagree. Loves wasting time and hates writing about herself.