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Kunzum Travel Cafe is a place where travellers meet and exchange their stories over a cup of coffee in Delhi.
This coffee shop is where travellers meet and exchange stories, make travel plans together, read travel books, post travelogues and even write books. Kunzum travel cafe is an ideal spot located in Hauz Khas that is a one-stop destination for all travellers, explorers and locals looking to discover hyperlocal gems and meet like-minded people. The cozy cafe lets you bond over coffee, art, travel books and scrumptious cookies. What more? They don’t even ask for the money for the coffee, you can pay what you like and even use the free wifi at the cafe. Now that’s a steal for its prize!What Is It?
What’s In It?
When you cannot travel, what is the next best thing you can do? Make travel plans or share travel stories with others. This is what this cafe is all about.
Address: Kunzum Travel Cafe, T-49, GF, Hauz Khas Village,
New Delhi 110 016, India.
Phone: 11.2651 3949
Timings: Tuesday to Sunday, 11 am – 7:30 pm