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Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi is challenging dinners to lock their phone in a box for the entire meal to avail 20 percent discount.
In today’s busy and fast-moving world, phones are one of the most basic necessities in our lives. It is impossible for many of us to stay away from our phone for more than 15 minutes. Keeping that in mind, Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi has come up with an exciting challenge for all dinners. It’s asking customers to lock their phones in a transparent box for an uninterrupted meal with your loved ones. What do you get in return? If you are able to control not checking your phone throughout the meal then you get to avail a 20 percent off your bill. It’s surely a great deal to have some delicious meal without any disturbance. What is It?
Location: Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi
Restaurants: The Forge, Li Jiang and Mijana.