London Declared The Most Desirable City For Overseas Workers

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London has been voted as the most desirable city to work in for overseas employees, according to a survey results from 366,000 workers from almost 200 countries.

What Is It?

London is yet again announced as the most desirable city for overseas workers, beating New York, Berlin and Barcelona, according to the latest study by the Boston Consulting Group.

In the last survey conducted in 2014, UK stood second in terms of attractiveness. However, in the current survey it has slipped down in the global ranking to the fifth position, as Brexit continues to have a bad influence on the minds of people all around the world.

A partner at Boston Consulting Group, Nick South, said “This research demonstrates the scale of the talent challenge facing organisations in the UK. Despite London’s enduring appeal, the UK as a whole has become less attractive to international workers, with a fall from second to fifth place in the rankings.”

At the same time, British workers’ willingness to work abroad has significantly increased, from well below average in 2014 (44 percent) to above the average in 2018 (62 percent). This is the largest increase seen in any country globally.

Also Read: Watch Movies While Floating In Water This Summer Season In London


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