Man Wrongly Fined By Traffic Police For Not Wearing Seatbelt On A Scooter; Umm. Wait. Why. How?

by Tooba Shaikh
Man Wrongly Fined By Traffic Police For Not Wearing Seatbelt On A Scooter; Umm. Wait. Why. How?

If you’ve ever been stopped by a traffic police, you know the panic and anxiety is of a different level. You start trying to recall every possible mistake that you might have made in your entire life. Now, imagine if you got pulled over and were accused of something that you didn’t even do! This is what happened recently in Bihar. A man was issued a challan for a violation that he didn’t even commit.

Man Wrongly Fined For Not Wearing Seatbelt

traffic police
Image Credits: Canva Images

In Bihar, Krishna Kumar Jha received a challan of ₹1,000 for not wearing a seatbelt. However, the issue was that he only owned a two-wheeler and he did not recall being pulled over. This violation that this challan was for happened in 2020 in Samastipur.

This wasn’t all. Kumar received information about the challan over a text message. It was even more surprising to see that not only had they attached the photo of a person that clearly wasn’t him but also that the challan had already been paid.

Another such happened in the month of February in the Indian state of Odisha when Abhishek Kar also received a challan of ₹1,000 for not wearing a seatbelt. He, too, only used a two-wheeler. The government does not mandate wearing seatbelts for two-wheelers so it was a bit puzzling to receive this challan.

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Sparks Conversation About Efficiency Of Traffic Police

traffic police
Image Credits: Canva Images

Even though the traffic police have acknowledged the error, it has sparked a conversation about the lack of efficiency within the Traffic police. People are also raising questions about the systems employed by the Traffic police, which are outdated.

They also want the personnel to be better trained, sensitised, and equipped in using these systems so that such mishaps don’t occur as often. This isn’t the first time that people have received mistaken challans.

Some time ago, a person was repeatedly fined wrongly because the actual violator had fudged his number plate to resemble his. So every time he broke a rule, the innocent person bore the brunt.

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Has anything like this ever happened to you? Let us know in the comments below!

Cover Image Credits: Canva Images

First Published: May 05, 2023 7:06 PM