



No Seeds, No Mess In The Kitchen! Now, Cut Bell Peppers In A Jiffy With This Cool Hack

by Shreya Rathod
No Seeds, No Mess In The Kitchen! Now, Cut Bell Peppers In A Jiffy With This Cool Hack

Bell peppers are loved by many because of their lovely colours and delicious flavours, making them a popular culinary choice all around the world. However, it can be challenging to chop these peppers. Here’s a guide to how you can easily cut bell peppers without making a mess in the kitchen!

Watch How To Cut Bell Peppers Without Making A Mess


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The large amount of seeds and the thick flesh might create a mess in your kitchen. To prevent the bits from flying everywhere, individuals frequently search for easy ways to cut their bell peppers. If you belong to this group, you may stop worrying because a popular social media trick has the perfect solution to this widely known culinary issue. This bell pepper-cutting technique was posted by well-known content creator Lori Conway.

But what exactly does this hack entail? Conway began by slicing a red bell pepper’s stem in the video. The pepper was then placed upside down instead of being sliced as normal. She then cut it into three pieces, following the margins that were already on the vegetable.

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It was divided into three equal pieces using this technique, and the seeds were completely separated. And the bell pepper was finely sliced so that no kitchen messes were created by the seeds. Some people were astounded, while others weren’t as thrilled. They responded in the comments area with their opinions on this chopping trick.

They Are Rich In Vitamin C, Flavonoids And More!

bell pepper cutting hack
Credits: Canva

Vitamin C levels are high in red bell peppers. The body converts beta carotene, a type of vitamin A, into the active form of the vitamin. In fact, these peppers are orange and red because of beta-carotene.

Flavonoids and other antioxidants found in them help to protect the body from oxidative damage. Additionally, zeaxanthin and lutein, two carotenoids, may help to protect eye health.

There are some types of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases that they may help prevent. The two factors causing this are the beta-cryptoxanthin and the high vitamin C level.

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Bell peppers may therefore help to protect the cells that make up bone and cartilage.

Cover Image Courtesy: Canva

First Published: August 22, 2023 7:36 PM