Not Home, You Can Buy An Entire Spanish Village For ₹2 Crore

Spanish Village

Image Courtesy: Twitter/@AkayezuJa

If you love to invest in real estate, BBC reports on this Spanish Village, with around 40 homes that you can totally purchase. And, if you’re looking at buying homes in India’s metro cities, why not give this Spanish Village a shot? Well, the price at which you get apartments in Mumbai or Bengaluru, you can definitely get the entire Spanish village called Salto de Castro for the same amount. Fascinating right? Read on to learn more about this village.

Should You Buy This Spanish Village For ₹2 Crore?

Image: Málaga, AN, Spain

Salto de Castro lies on Spain’s border. From Madrid, the village is a three-hour drive. Abandoned for years, almost 30, BBC writes that this Spanish village has 44 houses, a church, a school, a swimming pool and mostly everything required for a small town to function. However, the houses now lay in a dilapidated condition. Well, this Spanish Village had a taker back then in the 2000s. He wished to turn this Spanish town into a tourist destination, with a hotel ready to host visitors and welcome them.

However, his plans didn’t take off as there was a recession in the year 2008. This led to the owner keeping everything in the renovation of Salto de Castro on hold.

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Salto de Castro Is Up For Sale

Well, now Salto de Castro is up for sale. And you will be surprised to find that many buildings in the place. And from what we gather, India’s apartments are of the exact cost as this Spanish town. It is to be noted that the owner, an octogenarian, has put this Spanish village for sale and told that living in the urban area and maintaining the town is a task. If you want to at least go through this large property between Spain and Portugal.

To find out more about this property, head to this link here.

Cover Image Courtesy: Twitter/@AkayezuJa