Curly Tales

Not Only India, But This Asian Country Once Ruled By Japan Also Got Its Independence On Aug 15

Korea Independence

It’s just not our country, India that celebrates its independence on the 15th of August. National Liberation Day of Korea, celebrated annually on August 15th, holds immense significance in the history of the Korean people. It commemorates the end of Japanese colonial rule in Korea and marks the beginning of a new era for the Korean nation.

Korea’s Independence From Japan

The origins of National Liberation Day can be traced back to the tumultuous period of Japanese colonisation, which lasted from 1910 to 1945. The liberation movement gained momentum over the years, fueled by a sense of national pride and a desire for autonomy. One of the most significant figures of this era was Kim Gu, a prominent independence activist and politician. He played a pivotal role in promoting Korean nationalism and leading various movements to achieve liberation.

In the early 20th century, several pivotal events further fueled the independence movement. The March 1st Movement in 1919 marked a significant turning point, as Koreans across the country participated in peaceful protests and demonstrations to demand independence from Japanese colonial rule. The struggle for liberation continued, with underground resistance movements, guerrilla warfare, and diplomatic efforts to gain international support.

The day carries the hopes of millions who yearn for a future where the Korean Peninsula, both North and South Korea stand united.

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The Independence Movement

As World War II intensified, Japan’s grip on its colonies weakened, and the tide turned in favour of the allies. With Japan’s surrender in 1945, the Korean Peninsula finally saw a glimmer of hope for independence. On August 15, 1945, the Allied forces announced Japan’s surrender and Korea’s liberation.

In Seoul, the capital city of Korea, euphoria and jubilation filled the streets as people celebrated their newfound freedom. The division of Korea into North and South Korea brought about new challenges.

Despite the division, National Liberation Day continues to be celebrated throughout North and South Korea. However, with different names and perspectives.  The day is marked by official ceremonies, cultural performances, and expressions of patriotism throughout the country.

National Liberation Day or Korea’s Independence Day remains a symbol of hope, unity, and the pursuit of a shared destiny for all Koreans.

Cover image credits: Pxfuel

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