On World Environment Day, Mamaearth Urges Everyone To Make The Environment Beautiful With Your Goodness


Our Earth is our Mother, who has been nurturing us since time immemorial. Now, our Mother, our Earth, is under severe distress. She is ravaged by air pollution, choking under plastic pollution, our soil has eroded and our forests have disappeared to give way to development. In this chaos, Mamaearth urges us to make the environment beautiful with our goodness. It’s all about us joining hands to do small deeds by planting trees, to make a larger impact on our planet Earth.

Mamaearth Celebrates World Environment Day

India’s beloved skincare and haircare brand, Mamaearth is on a mission to take collective action to protect the environment and make it beautiful again. Mamaearth has planted 4.5 lakh trees and recycled 3412 metric tons of plastic with a commitment to nurturing Mother Earth. With #YourGoodnessMakesEnvironmentBeautiful, Mamaearth conveys that it’s all about making the environment beautiful with the goodness in our hearts to make a difference.

Climate change is undeniable not just for us adults, but even for little ones. So, Mamaearth chose to ask important questions about the ‘Environment’ to a bunch of young goodness ambassadors. “Is plastic good for the environment?”, our goodness ambassador sincerely replied that when plastic gets to the bottom of the ocean, it harms fish and sea animals. “Can you see stars from your windows at night”, is the next question. For this, the little ones, shake their heads and say a big NO.

What shocks our goodness ambassadors the most are 2 pictures — one of a clean Yamuna River and the other of it riddled with water pollution. “This can’t be Yamuna”, says a little child in total disbelief. Mamaearth then chooses to ask the ‘future of India’, an important question  — “What can people do to save the environment?”

Goodness Ambassadors Reveal How We Can Save The Environment

Pat comes the sincere, heartfelt replies— “plant more trees”, “replace garbage with goodness”, and “save nature for us and for you”. In unison, the little ones teach us a very important lesson today on World Environment Day, “Your Goodness Makes The Environment Beautiful”.

Mamaearth cares about the environment, just as we do! It’s all about making the Earth a beautiful place to live by doing the smallest and simplest good— planting trees. As we do small goodness like planting trees, we together, can end up tackling bigger issues like air pollution and make the environment a beautiful place to live.

Sanjana Shenoy: Content, Coffee and Cats these are a few of Sanjana's favourite things. Born in Baroda, brought up in Kuwait, settled in Bangalore, travel and food is her blood, bread and butter. When she isn't brewing delicious, wanderlust content, she's busy planning the smatter of restaurants she'd visit over the weekend.