People Vaccinated With Covaxin Can Travel Comfortably Without Restrictions

While international travel could be off-the-menu for some time for those vaccinated with Covaxin, domestic travel could be quite hassle-free for them. People who have been administered Covaxin will be able to travel without restrictions said Dr NK Arora, National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI) Chief. He made the comment Bharat Biotech announced that its vaccine Covaxin’s efficacy against COVID-19 is 77.8%.

Covaxin Has 77.8% Against Symptomatic Infection

The published results will help Covaxin secure a place in the WHO emergency use listing. People administered with Covaxin, will be able to travel without restrictions within India. The Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech has released data from the final analysis of Covaxin efficacy as part of phase 3 clinical trials. However, Corporate Executives & Students Jabbed By Covaxin Face Issues While Travelling Abroad

The company also said that the indigenous vaccine had an efficacy of 77.8% against symptomatic infection. It also added that Covaxin gives 65.2% protection against the SARS-CoV-2, B.1.617.2 Delta variant. Covaxin is one of the three vaccines approved by the DGCI for emergency use.

Also read: 5 Asian Countries That Are Open To Indian Travellers Right Now!

Covaxin Will Soon Be A Part Of WHO Emergency Use List

According to CDC, to be eligible to travel internationally, you should be fully vaccinated with an FDA-authorized vaccine or a vaccine authorized for emergency use by the World Health Organization. The COVID-19 vaccine Covishield developed by pharma giant AstraZeneca received an Emergency Use Listing designation from the World Health Organization. This means that if you get shots of Covishield, you will be eligible to travel to other countries. These 9 European Countries Are Now Accepting Covishield For Travel.

Watch out for this space for more information on vaccine travel. 

Tania Tarafdar: Tania has an unhealthy love for period dramas and a lot of opinions. But the heart wants what it wants. She and yoga are in an eternal relationship. You can see her breaking into yoga asanas in the snow-capped Alps and the Mediterranean Sea coastline. Her friends swear by her food and travel recommendations. Follow her on Instagram @cheer24*7 or