This Pizza Is As Big As Your Bed!

Do you dare?


Do you have what it takes to try out the 72-inch pizza at Michigan’s Mallie’s Grill & Bar? Now you can order this 100-pound pizza at just $300 (  22,028.25)! Setting up a food hall of fame, this pizza definitely falls under the big daddies of pizzas. It is also waiting on confirmation from Guinness World Records to be the largest pizza in the world. The eatery already holds the world record for its gigantic burger.

A 50-Pound Dough Bed-Size Pizza

You guessed it! The biggest pizza also requires loads of ingredients and man work. A massive tray is used to prepare the 50-pound dough for this pizza, which is followed by a team of chefs kneading and stretching it to a 72 inch square for about 20 minutes. It is then warmed up for about 15 minutes before introducing it to veggies and sauce. It requires 35 pounds of sauce, 15 pounds of cheese and ‘so much’ pepperoni.

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At Least 10 People Are Needed To Finish Up The Pizza

The first test of this pizza was done by the fire department of the area. It was transported in a custom-made shipping cart to the department and it required nearly 10 people to finish it.

Fun tip: You will have to order for this pizza at least 24 hours in advance to enjoy it.

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Kritika Kukreja: Writer. Doctor. I love cheesecakes and singing by myself.