



The 5000-Year-Old Tomb Of Queen Meresankh III In Egypt Is Now Offering A Free Virtual Tour

by Suchismita Pal
The 5000-Year-Old Tomb Of Queen Meresankh III In Egypt Is Now Offering A Free Virtual Tour

It’s believed that if someone stops you from doing something you love, the urge for that pursuit actually increases. That’s exactly what is happening with the travel buffs right now. Thanks to the fascinating virtual tours that are coming to the rescue. Some museums, national parks and international festivals were already offering tours online, and now this 5000-year-old Egyptian tomb has also joined the queue.

What Is It?

We do not have a time machine to offer that can take you back to the bygone era, but we can definitely tell you about this virtual tour that can transport you to the alleys of Egypt, right from your home. Ministry of Tourism and Antiques, Egypt is inviting everybody to have a sneak into the tomb of Queen Meresankh III, which is about 5,000 years old. There’s usually an entry fee to this tomb and that’s 50 Egyptian pounds. But now, you can take the online tour for absolutely free. How amazing is that?

Picture Credits: TheTop10News

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What Else?

Telling the entire history of the place might be a spoiler for your tour, but here are some little hints about the amazeballs you can explore inside the tomb. The tomb stands as a testimony of the flawless Egyptian craftsmanship. As you will see some breathtaking wall arts inside the tomb, you can come to know about the artists too. Queen Meresankh III had a strong belief in life after death, which you will understand once you spot the ‘False Door’ and ‘Preparations for Afterlife’. You will also find photographs of Reisner excavations inside this pyramid. What’s more, there are ten marvellous rock-cut statues standing in a row. In the interior chamber, there is a Sarcophagus stone that was gifted to the queen by her mother.

Virtual Reality-Tomb of Queen Meresankh III


Picture Credits: Digital Giza-Harvard University

Also Read: 10 International Museums That Are Letting You Take A Virtual Tour While Sitting At Home

If you’re someone who gets mesmerized by the charm of antiquity, we know you are already up for this. Why not begin the exploration right now by clicking here? Enjoy the tour, fellas and thank us later.


First Published: April 17, 2020 5:43 PM