

Road Trips


This Zero-Population Arizona Town Has Been Abandoned Twice And There’s “Nothing” To Do There

by Rachna Srivastava
This Zero-Population Arizona Town Has Been Abandoned Twice And There’s “Nothing” To Do There

Remember Schitt’s Creek the town Johnny Rose bought in 1991 as a joke for his son, David Rose? At least, the town had people, a council, Jazzagals, a diner, a bar, a garage, a convenience store, a motel, a town hall, and more! But there’s actually a town in eastern Mohave County, Arizona, United States that has “nothing” going on! Cuz, it is called Nothing, for real! And it has nothing, for real!

Nothing, The Uninhabited Ghost Town 

Nothing, a town in Arizona
Image Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

While it (the six-acre town) finds its place on umpteen lists of unusual places, places with quirky names, it is actually a ghost town with zero population. Yes, I know you know what a ghost town is, but for the sake of emphasis, bear with me! 

Said to be christened as “Nothing” by a bunch of drunks, the town was owned by Richard “Buddy” Kenworthy. In an archived report in Seattle Times from 1993, Kenworthy says that a friend actually suggested that they should call the town “Nothing” since “there ain’t nothing out there”.

In hopes of mining minerals (read: Gold, copper, etc.), Buddy established this town in 1977 —  up until which it was barren land. In 1988, the population was nine, but his bar “Taint Much Ado” Bar burned to the ground. Post which, six people left! Kenworth’s stepdaughter wanted to open a nude-art gallery in the ‘90s. 

But, nothing good came out of it and right from the early eighties (which were otherwise rocking years for America) people started abandoning it. It came to a point that the town had a population of only four or five people. But they all left too! 

Also Read: The Haunting Tale Of The Deserted Ghost Town Of Dhanushkodi

Once Bitten, Twice Shy! Nothing Got Abandoned Twice!

Nothing in Arizona
Image Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Abandonment 1:

By 2005, the town was abandoned by a handful of its residents and Kenworthy moved out. When it was still inhabited, it had homes, a gas station, a taco stand and a convenience store. By 2008, the gas station withered away and started to collapse. 

Abandonment 2:

Kenworthy, who saw no worth in it, sold the town to Mike Jensen in 2008. Maybe, Mike thought he could turn it around, make it buzzing and the name of the town would become simply titular. So he opened a pizza place, and hoped to provide a place for RV tourists to park their vehicles. Basically, he aspired to introduce some activity at least, in that morbid town. Come April 2011, Jenson, too, abandoned it.

Also Read: In The Middle Of Thar Desert Lies This Abandoned Rajasthani Village With Eerie Stories To Tell

What Has It Become Now?

Image Courtesy: Flickr/cobalt123

After two break-ups with humans, the town now simply serves as a pit stop for washroom breaks. 

It is not like no attempts were made to revive the town. Back in 2016, Century 21 (a real estate agent franchise company) wanted to make it the ‘IT’ town.

On Father’s Day of 2016 (June 19), they ran a campaign called “Give Dad Nothing”, which would allow them to have a property at Nothing on lease for 24 hours. Oh, they even got a “Certificate of Nothing” and a gift card. But alas! Even that didn’t work!

Maybe, Nothing wants to remain nothing. It is like you cannot help someone who doesn’t wanna be helped. 

What remains now are dilapidated structures, a rest room, and the following on a sign: 

Town of Nothing Arizona. Founded 1977. Elevation 3269 ft.

The staunch citizens of Nothing are full of Hope, Faith, and Believe in the work ethic. Thru-the-years-these dedicated people had faith in Nothing, hoped for Nothing, worked at Nothing, for Nothing.

Things To Do At Nothing



Getting There:

It is 190 km north-west of Phoenix, 37 km South of Wikieup, and is west of Bagdad on US Route 93. It falls on the route to Phoenix from Las Vegas and lies between Wickenburg and Kingman.  

Image Courtesy: Canva Pro

First Published: August 31, 2023 12:47 PM