Travelling Via Rajdhani & August Kranti Trains? Don’t Forget To Savour Millet Patties!

In a world where health-conscious individuals are constantly on the lookout for nutritious and sustainable food options, millet has emerged as a rising star in the culinary realm.  Now, Godrej Yummiez and the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) have worked together to introduce millet patties for this year is being observed as the International Year of Millets.

Millet Patties On Trains Now!

image credits: Press release

Within the Indian rail system, Rajdhani and August Kranti trains are revered for their outstanding customer service and outstanding food selections. The collaboration between Godrej Yummiez and IRCTC aims to increase millet’ uptake by highlighting their importance.

This innovative partnership is already running as a pilot programme on Rajdhani and August Kranti train routes running from Mumbai to Delhi and back to Mumbai. This project provides meals for passengers travelling between Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra.

The millet patty was created by Godrej Yummiez as a unique food alternative. Utilising Individual Quick Freeze (IQF) technology, the snack is prepared to help it stay fresh without the use of preservatives. These patties include a tasty mixture of herbs and spices, high fibre and vitamins.

Also read: Recipe: The Perfect Millet Biryani Recipe For A Hearty And Nutrient-Rich Meal

Millets Are A Nutritional Powerhouse

image credits: Canva

Millet is not only delicious but also a nutritional powerhouse that can play a pivotal role in promoting overall well-being. And introducing them on railway trains is a means to support both personal and planetary well-being.

One of the standout qualities of millet is its impressive fibre content. The high fibre content in millet also keeps you feeling full for longer, making it an ideal choice for those looking to manage their appetite and calorie intake. Another striking feature of millet is its protein content. It contains a higher protein content than most grains.

Millet porridge, millet pilaf, and millet-based baked goods–few examples of how this versatile grain can be utilised in the kitchen. Its mild, slightly nutty flavour makes it a versatile ingredient that pairs well with both savoury and sweet flavours.

Its rich fibre content, gluten-free nature, and abundance of essential nutrients make it an excellent addition. So, why not embrace millet as a healthy and nutritious food choice even on trains?

Cover image credits: Press release

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