We all have our quirks, that’s what makes us human. Whether it’s a strange love for the smell of turpentine oil, like Vidya Balan or a crazy coffee addiction, I’m guilty as charged, they are quirks nevertheless. Interestingly, a man in the USA is addicted to canned tuna fish. From its pungent smell to its distinct taste, he can’t imagine a day without eating his favourite treat. Read on to know all about his love for tuna.
US Man Has A Strange Addiction To Tuna
The TLC network in the USA recently interviewed Tyler from Lawrence in Kansas. Popularly known as Tuna Tyler, this American man has a strange addiction to canned tuna fish. His addiction is so intense that he smells, eats and even sips the juice of tuna every single day. Infact he confessed to gulping down 15 cans of tuna every week.
Tuna Tyler, as per a report by The New York Post, has taken his love for tuna to whole new levels. So much so that he even uses the juice of the fish as a form of cologne. The fish enthusiast reveals to TLC that he loves smelling tuna every day, all the time. He carries a tuna can with him everywhere he goes, opens it and takes a sniff, whenever he pleases.
Also Read: 9 Amazing Benefits Of Tuna!
He Chose Fish Over Chocolates Even In His Childhood
While he admits, it may look weird to people in public, he finds it to be perfectly fine. His mother threw more light on his tuna addiction. In the interview with TLC, Tuna Tyler’s mother, Ursula, said he always liked fish. However she remembers the time, when most kids wanted chocolates for Easter, he wanted tuna and sardine cans instead.
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But even his mother didn’t have the slightest clue that it would end up being a tuna addiction where Tyler needs to smell cans filled with tuna fish and even keep them next to him at all times. For the past 5 years, the fish enthusiast hasn’t let a day go by without inhaling and consuming tuna.
Well, do you have any such strange addictions to any dishes?
Cover Image Courtesy: @TunaTeezy/ Twitter and Canva